35+ years of unsurpassed quality and service
15 Year service life. Requires no maintanience. Compact and durable. Meets SOLAS and MED approval.
Provides 15-32 minutes of breathing air for escape.
The EEBD OCENCO M-20.2 uses compressed oxygen to allow for a 15-year service life. It’s maintenance free capabilities make it a truly unique EEBD. It has become the most popular choice in the marine and offshore industries
Compared with conventional air pressured EEBD’s, which requires annual service form authorized personnel onshore and a costly hydrotest every 5th year, the Ocenco M-20.2 EEBD will form year 1 be a cost saver, decrease hassle related to maintaining compliance and at the same time increase safety levels.
The EEBD OCENCO M-20.2 provides up to 32 minutes of air supply – depending on activity level of the user. With a demand-regulated oxygen flow, the Ocenco M-20.2 EEBD provides optimal usage of breathing air and thereby maximum survival chances in an escape situation.
The EEBD OCENCO M-20.2 can be donned in seconds; simply unlatch the case, pull out the unit, and insert the mouthpiece and nose clip. The attached hood can be donned at any time during the escape.
The compact design of the EEBD OCENCO M-20.2 and it’s standard feature to have it belt warn, makes it very suitable for entering into confined spaces.
The 15 years service life – maintenance free, along with the Ocenco M-20.2 EEBD’s robust design, ease of use, multiple applications for usage, and hassle-free design, the Ocenco M-20.2 EEBD has become the most used EEBD within the marine and offshore sectors.